Free crystallographic software In this website several software applications are available for free download. There are several types of applications:
Important Disclaimer While we try to ensure that the software distributed through this web site is free of bugs and errors, people use this software at their own risk. We cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for either incorrect results or for any physical, mental or other damage arising from use of the software. Windows: Most of our programs will run under Windows-10 and Windows-11. We are working to fix the problems caused by Windows-11 and to maintain backwards-compatability with earlier versions of Windows-XP and 7. Windows-8 is not supported. Comments The continuing development of this software is dependent upon the support of users! If you download and use any of this software, please send us an email, as well as referencing the use of the software in any publications. Details for citations are given in each manual. Without your support in this way, the programs cannot be developed! Many of the improvements to this software arise from feedback from users. Please e-mail your comments and suggestions to us at If you think you have found a bug in the software, please try to check for obvious problems..... most apparent bugs are due to trivial mistakes such as incorrect data file formats (including blank lines) or inappropriate input parameters. If you really have a problem, please send the full details in an e-mail, together with all of the error messages, and the relevant input and output files. Thank you! |